Parent Information
Please check out Brookside's new Cell Phone Policy listed above.
Allergies and Scented Products
Brookside Intermediate is an allergy aware environment. Please alert your child’s teacher as soon as possible if your child has any serious medical conditions or life threatening allergies. There is also a place for this information on the student data form. Where necessary, a medical alert form will be sent home for parents to complete.
Please note that we do have students and staff with serious life threatening allergies to peanuts, eggs, tree nuts and seafood. We ask all students and their families to be very conscientious of avoiding these products when packing snacks and lunches.
The Newfoundland & Labrador English School District has determined that given the similarities in appearance, texture and taste of Soy Butter products, they are also restricted in our schools where a student has a peanut allergy. We recognize that these products present no risk of anaphylactic allergy; however, having these products in our schools does undermine our capacity to enforce our restriction of peanut butter.
If your child has any specific medical needs of which we should be aware, we ask that you notify your child’s teacher immediately.
Brookside Intermediate is a scent-aware school. We ask that visitors in our school refrain from wearing perfumes, colognes, aftershave and other scented products.
Medication is administered at the school only when absolutely necessary. School District policy requires that all prescription and over-the-counter medications be brought to the office.
Medication may only be administered in the office with the signed consent of parents and physician. If your child has to take any type of medication, please inform your child’s teacher and we will send home the appropriate forms. This also applies to students who are required to use puffers in school.
The medication policy can be found online at If you have any questions, please contact the office for further details. This regulation is in keeping with district and provincial policies.
Lost and Found
We invite both students and parents/guardians to check periodically for items that may be missing. Our lost and found container can be found in our Front Entrance, adjacent to the Main Office.
Teacher Contact
If a parent/guardian needs to get a message to their child’s teacher, feel free to write a note in your child’s agenda, email directly, or inform the office.
If a child is to be absent from school for any reason, we request that the parent/guardian include a note or an e-mail explaining their absence.